import os
import numpy as np
from tcutility import constants, molecule
from tcutility.results import Result
j = os.path.join
def get_calc_files(calc_dir: str) -> Result:
"""Function that returns files relevant to AMS calculations stored in ``calc_dir``.
calc_dir: path pointing to the desired calculation
Result object containing filenames and paths
# collect all files in the current directory and subdirectories
files = []
for root, _, files_ in os.walk(calc_dir):
files.extend([j(root, file) for file in files_])
# parse the filenames
ret = Result()
ret.extra = []
ret.root = os.path.abspath(calc_dir)
for file in files:
if file.endswith(".out") and not file.endswith("g98.out"):
ret.out = os.path.abspath(file)
if file.endswith(""):
ret.opt_out = os.path.abspath(file)
if file.endswith("xtbopt.log"):
ret.opt_history = os.path.abspath(file)
if file.endswith("xtbscan.log"):
ret.scan_out = os.path.abspath(file)
if file.endswith("vibspectrum"):
ret.vibspectrum = os.path.abspath(file)
if file.endswith("hessian"):
ret.hessian = os.path.abspath(file)
return ret
def get_version(info: Result) -> Result:
"""Function to get the ORCA version used in the calculation.
info: Result object containing ORCA calculation settings.
:Result object containing results about the ORCA version:
- **full (str)** – the full version string as written by ORCA.
- **major (str)** – major ORCA version.
- **minor (str)** – minor ORCA version.
- **micro (str)** – micro ORCA version.
ret = Result()
with open(info.files.out) as out:
for line in out.readlines():
line = line.strip()
if "* xtb version" not in line:
version = line.split()[3]
ret.full = version
ret.major = version.split(".")[0]
ret.minor = version.split(".")[1]
ret.micro = version.split(".")[2]
return ret
def get_calculation_status(info: Result) -> Result:
"""Function that returns the status of the ORCA calculation described in reader. In case of non-succes it will also give possible reasons for the errors/warnings.
info: Result object containing ORCA calculation information.
:Result object containing information about the calculation status:
- **fatal (bool)** – True if calculation cannot be analysed correctly, False otherwise
- **reasons (list[str])** – list of reasons to explain the status, they can be errors, warnings, etc.
- **name (str)** – calculation status written as a string, one of ("SUCCESS", "RUNNING", "UNKNOWN", "SUCCESS(W)", "FAILED")
- **code (str)** – calculation status written as a single character, one of ("S", "R", "U", "W" "F")
ret = Result()
ret.fatal = True = None
ret.code = None
ret.reasons = []
if "out" not in info.files:
ret.reasons.append("Calculation status unknown") = "UNKNOWN"
ret.code = "U"
return ret
with open(info.files.out) as out:
lines = out.readlines()
if any(["[WARNING] Runtime exception occurred" in line for line in lines]):
ret.fatal = True = "FAILED"
ret.code = "F"
line_index = [i for i, line in enumerate(lines) if "[WARNING] Runtime exception occurred" in line][0]
for line in lines[line_index + 1 :]:
if "##########" in line:
return ret
if any(["* finished run" in line for line in lines]):
ret.fatal = False = "SUCCESS"
ret.code = "S"
return ret = "FAILED"
ret.code = "F"
return ret
def get_molecules(info: Result) -> Result:
"""Function that returns information about the molecules for this calculation.
info: Result object containing ORCA calculation information.
:Result object containing properties from the ORCA calculation:
- **input (plams.Molecule)** - the input molecule for this calculation.
- **output (plams.Molecule)** - the output molecule for this calculation, for example the optimized structure after a geometry optimization.
- **number_of_atoms (int)** - the number of atoms in the molecular system.
ret = Result()
for file in info.files.extra:
if file.endswith(info.input.coord_file):
coord_file = file
ret.input = molecule.load(coord_file)
ret.output = ret.input.copy()
if "opt_out" in info.files:
ret.output = molecule.load(info.files.opt_out)
return ret
def get_info(calc_dir: str) -> Result:
"""Function to read useful info about the calculation in ``calc_dir``. Returned information will depend on the type of file that is provided.
calc_dir: path pointing to the desired calculation.
:Result object containing results about the calculation and AMS:
- **version (Result)** – information about the AMS version used, see :func:`get_version`.
- **files (Result)** - paths to files that are important for this calculation.
- **input (Result)** - information about the input of this calculation, see :func:`get_input`.
- **level (Result)** - information about the level of theory used for this calculation, see :func:`get_level_of_theory`.
- **engine (str)** – the engine that was used to perform the calculation, for example 'adf', 'dftb', ...
- **status (Result)** – information about calculation status, see :func:`get_calculation_status`.
- **molecule (Result)** – information about the input and output molecules and the molecular system in general, see :func:`get_molecules`.
ret = Result()
ret.engine = "xtb"
ret.files = get_calc_files(calc_dir)
# store the input of the calculation
ret.input = get_input(ret)
# store information about the version of AMS
ret.version = get_version(ret)
# # store the calculation status
ret.status = get_calculation_status(ret)
# # read molecules
ret.molecule = get_molecules(ret)
return ret
def get_properties(info: Result) -> Result:
"""Function to get properties from an ORCA calculation.
info: Result object containing ORCA properties.
:Result object containing properties from the ORCA calculation:
- ** (float)** – total bonding energy (|kcal/mol|).
- **energy.enthalpy (float)** – enthalpy (|kcal/mol|). Only obtained if vibrational modes were calculated.
- **energy.entropy (float)** – entropy (|kcal/mol|). Only obtained if vibrational modes were calculated.
- **energy.gibbs (float)** – Gibb's free energy (|kcal/mol|). Only obtained if vibrational modes were calculated.
- **energy.[method] (float)** - total energy (|kcal/mol|) at a certain level (HF, MP2, CCSD, ...). This is the sum of energy.HF and energy.[method]_corr.
- **energy.[method]_corr (float)** - electron correlation energy (|kcal/mol|) at a certain level (HF, MP2, CCSD, ...).
- **vibrations.number_of_modes (int)** – number of vibrational modes for this molecule, 3N-5 for non-linear molecules and 3N-6 for linear molecules, where N is the number of atoms.
- **vibrations.number_of_imaginary_modes (int)** – number of imaginary vibrational modes for this molecule.
- **vibrations.frequencies (list[float])** – vibrational frequencies associated with the vibrational modes, sorted from low to high (|cm-1|).
- **vibrations.intensities (list[float])** – vibrational intensities associated with the vibrational modes (|km/mol|). In ORCA, intensities of imaginary modes are set to 0.
- **vibrations.modes (list[float])** – list of vibrational modes sorted from low frequency to high frequency.
- **vibrations.character (str)** – the PES character of the molecular system. Either "minimum", "transitionstate" or "saddlepoint(n_imag)", for 0, 1, n_imag number of imaginary frequencies.
- **t1** - T1 diagnostic for the highest level of correlation chosen. Used to check the validity of the reference wavefunction.
- **s2** - expectation value of the :math:`S^2` operator.
- **s2_expected** - ideal expectation value of the :math:`S^2` operator.
- **spin_contamination** - the amount of spin-contamination observed in this calculation. It is equal to (s2 - s2_expected) / (s2_expected). Ideally this value should be below 0.1.
ret = Result()
with open(info.files.out) as out:
lines = [line.strip() for line in out.readlines()]
# read some important info about the calculation
for line in lines:
if "TOTAL ENERGY" in line: = float(line.split()[3]) * constants.HA2KCALMOL
if "TOTAL FREE ENERGY" in line: = float(line.split()[4]) * constants.HA2KCALMOL
if "TOTAL ENTHALPY" in line: = float(line.split()[3]) * constants.HA2KCALMOL
if "# frequencies" in line:
ret.vibrations.number_of_modes = int(line.split()[3])
if "# imaginary freq." in line:
ret.vibrations.number_of_imaginary_modes = int(line.split()[4])
if "vibrational frequencies" in line:
ret.vibrations.frequencies = []
if "eigval :" in line:
ret.vibrations.frequencies.extend([float(freq) for freq in line.split()[2:]])
if ret.vibrations.frequencies:
# get the number of the first vibrational mode, so without the translations and rotations
first_mode = len(ret.vibrations.frequencies) - ret.vibrations.number_of_modes + 1
# we have to remove the first 5 or 6 frequencies, because they are translation+rotation
ret.vibrations.frequencies = ret.vibrations.frequencies[first_mode - 1 :]
# read in the vibspectrum file to get the vibrational intensities:
ret.vibrations.intensities = []
if info.files.vibspectrum:
with open(info.files.vibspectrum) as spec:
for line in spec.readlines()[3:-1]:
if line.startswith("$"):
if int(line.split()[0]) < first_mode:
# read in the hessian file to get the normal modes:
if info.files.hessian:
hessian = []
with open(info.files.hessian) as hess:
for line in hess.readlines()[1:]:
hessian.extend([float(x) for x in line.split()])
# number of modes:
N = int(np.sqrt(len(hessian)))
# square hessian:
H = np.reshape(hessian, (N, N))
# get the atomic masses
mol = molecule.load(info.files.opt_out)
masses = np.atleast_2d([atom.mass for atom in mol.atoms for _ in range(3)])
# make the reduced mass matrix
mu = np.sqrt(masses * masses.T)
# and reduced mass Hessian
F = H / mu
# diagonalize it to get frequencies and modes
freqs, modes = np.linalg.eigh(F)
# print(modes)
# from yviewer import viewer
# mol.guess_bonds()
#, molinfo=[{'normalmode': modes[0].reshape(-1, 3)}])
return ret
if __name__ == "__main__":
from tcutility import log
ret = get_info("/Users/yumanhordijk/PhD/ganesh_project/calculations/AlCl3_xtb/opt_1")
props = get_properties(ret)
# ret = get_info("/Users/yumanhordijk/PhD/ganesh_project/calculations/AlCl3_xtb/scan_1")
# print(ret)