Source code for tcutility.results.orca

from tcutility.results import Result
from tcutility import constants, slurm
import os
from scm import plams
import numpy as np

j = os.path.join

[docs] def get_calc_files(calc_dir: str) -> Result: """Function that returns files relevant to ORCA calculations stored in ``calc_dir``. Args: calc_dir: path pointing to the desired calculation Returns: Result object containing filenames and paths """ # collect all files in the current directory and subdirectories files = [] for root, _, files_ in os.walk(calc_dir): files.extend([j(root, file) for file in files_]) # we now go through all the files and check their nature ret = Result() ret.root = os.path.abspath(calc_dir) for file in files: with open(file, errors='ignore') as f: lines = f.readlines() # detect the output file if any(["* O R C A *" in line for line in lines]): ret.out = os.path.abspath(file) continue # detect the input file # there should be lines starting with ! and also the system line, starting with * xyz, * xyzfile, * gzmtfile or * int if any([line.startswith('!') for line in lines]) and any([(len(line.split()) > 2 and line.split()[0] == '*' and line.split()[1] in ['xyz', 'xyzfile', 'gzmtfile', 'int']) for line in lines]): ret.inp = os.path.abspath(file) continue return ret
[docs] def get_version(info: Result) -> Result: """Function to get the ORCA version used in the calculation. Args: info: Result object containing ORCA calculation settings. Returns: :Result object containing results about the ORCA version: - **full (str)** – the full version string as written by ORCA. - **major (str)** – major ORCA version. - **minor (str)** – minor ORCA version. - **micro (str)** – micro ORCA version. """ ret = Result() with open(info.files.out) as out: for line in out.readlines(): line = line.strip() if "Program Version" not in line: continue version = line.split()[2] ret.full = version ret.major = version.split(".")[0] ret.minor = version.split(".")[1] ret.micro = version.split(".")[2] return ret
[docs] def get_input(info: Result) -> Result: """Function that parses the input file for this ORCA calculation. Args: info: Result object containing ORCA calculation settings. Returns: :Result object containing information about the calculation input: - **main (list[str])** - the main inputs for the calculation. These are the lines that start with a "!". - **sections (Result)** - extra settings added to the calculation. These are the lines that start with a "%" and optionally end with "END" clause. - **system (Result)** - settings related to the molecular system. This includes charge, multiplicity and the coordinates. - **task (str)** - the task that was performed by the calculation, e.g. "SinglePoint", "TransitionStateSearch". """ ret = Result() # we read the input file first if 'inp' in info.files: with open(info.files.inp) as inp: lines = inp.readlines() # if we don't have it we read the output file, which contains the input as a block else: with open(info.files.out) as out: start_reading = False lines = [] for line in out.readlines(): line = line.strip() if start_reading: lines.append(line) if "INPUT FILE" in line: start_reading = True continue if "****END OF INPUT****" in line: break lines = [line.split(">")[1] for line in lines[2:-1] if line.split(">")[1].strip()] ret.main = [] curr_section = None read_system = False system_lines = [] coordinates = None for line in lines: line = line.strip() if line.startswith("!"): ret.main.extend(line.strip("!").split()) if curr_section: if line.lower() == "end": curr_section = None continue var, val = line.split() ret.sections[curr_section][var] = val if line.startswith("%"): curr_section = line.split()[0][1:] if len(line.split()) == 2: ret.sections[curr_section] = line.split()[1] curr_section = None if read_system: if line == "*": read_system = False continue system_lines.append(line) if line.startswith("*"): read_system = True _, coordinates, charge, multiplicity = line.split()[:4] if coordinates == "xyz": ret.system.coordinate_system = "cartesian" elif coordinates == "int": ret.system.coordinate_system = "internal" elif coordinates == "xyzfile": ret.system.coordinate_system = "cartesian" read_system = False ret.system.charge = charge ret.system.multiplicity = multiplicity continue if coordinates in ["xyz", "int"]: ret.system.molecule = plams.Molecule() for line in system_lines: line = line.replace(':', '') ret.system.molecule.add_atom(plams.Atom(symbol=line.split()[0], coords=[float(x) for x in line.split()[1:4]])) ret.task = "SinglePoint" if "optts" in [x.lower() for x in ret.main]: ret.task = "TransitionStateSearch" elif "opt" in [x.lower() for x in ret.main]: ret.task = "GeometryOptimization" return ret
[docs] def get_level_of_theory(info: Result) -> Result: """Function to get the level-of-theory from an input-file. Args: info: Result object containing ORCA calculation settings. Returns: :Result object containing information about the level-of-theory: - **summary (str)** - a summary string that gives the level-of-theory in a human-readable format. - **basis.type (str)** - the size/type of the basis-set. - **UsedQROs (bool)** - whether QROs were used. """ sett = info.input ret = Result() main = [x.lower() for x in sett.main] ret.method = 'HF' for method in ["MP2", "CCSD", "CCSD(T)", "CCSDT"]: if method.lower() in main: ret.method = method break ret.basis.type = 'def2-SVP' for bs in ["cc-pVDZ", "cc-pVTZ", "cc-pVQZ", "cc-pV5Z", "aug-cc-pVDZ", "aug-cc-pVTZ", "aug-cc-pVQZ", "aug-cc-pV5Z"]: if bs.lower() in main: ret.basis.type = bs used_qros = sett.sections.mdci.UseQROs and sett.sections.mdci.UseQROs.lower() == "true" ret.summary = f'{"QRO-" if used_qros else ""}{method}/{ret.basis.type}' return ret
[docs] def get_calc_settings(info: Result) -> Result: """Function to read calculation settings for an ORCA calculation. Args: info: Result object containing ORCA calculation settings. Returns: :Result object containing properties from the ORCA calculation: - **task (str)** – the task that was set for the calculation. - **unrestricted (bool)** – whether or not the wavefunction is treated in an unrestricted manner. - **used_qros (bool)** - whether the reference wavefunction is transformed to a QRO wavefunction. - **frequencies (bool)** - whether vibrational frequencies were calculated. - **charge (int)** - the charge of the molecular system. - **spin_polarization (int)** - the spin-polarization of the molecular system. - **multiplicity (int)** - the multiplicity of the molecular system. """ assert info.engine == "orca", f"This function reads ORCA data, not {info.engine} data" ret = Result() # set the calculation task at a higher level ret.task = info.input.task main = [x.lower() for x in info.input.main] # determine if the wavefunction are unrestricted or not ret.unrestricted = any(tag in main for tag in ["uhf", "uno"]) ret.used_qros = info.input.sections.mdci.UseQROs and info.input.sections.mdci.UseQROs.lower() == "true" ret.frequencies = "freq" in main or 'numfreq' in main ret.charge = int(info.input.system.charge) ret.spin_polarization = int(info.input.system.multiplicity) - 1 ret.multiplicity = int(info.input.system.multiplicity) return ret
[docs] def get_calculation_status(info: Result) -> Result: """Function that returns the status of the ORCA calculation described in reader. In case of non-succes it will also give possible reasons for the errors/warnings. Args: info: Result object containing ORCA calculation information. Returns: :Result object containing information about the calculation status: - **fatal (bool)** – True if calculation cannot be analysed correctly, False otherwise - **reasons (list[str])** – list of reasons to explain the status, they can be errors, warnings, etc. - **name (str)** – calculation status written as a string, one of ("SUCCESS", "RUNNING", "UNKNOWN", "SUCCESS(W)", "FAILED") - **code (str)** – calculation status written as a single character, one of ("S", "R", "U", "W" "F") """ ret = Result() ret.fatal = True = None ret.code = None ret.reasons = [] # if we do not have an output file the calculation failed if "out" not in info.files.out: ret.reasons.append("Calculation status unknown") = "UNKNOWN" ret.code = "U" return ret # try to read if the calculation succeeded with open(info.files.out) as out: lines = out.readlines() if any(["ORCA TERMINATED NORMALLY" in line for line in lines]): ret.fatal = False = "SUCCESS" ret.code = "S" return ret # if it didnt we default to failed = "FAILED" ret.code = "F" # otherwise we check if the job is being managed by slurm if not slurm.workdir_info(os.path.abspath(info.files.root)): return ret # get the statuscode from the workdir state = slurm.workdir_info(os.path.abspath(info.files.root)).statuscode state_name = { 'CG': 'COMPLETING', 'CF': 'CONFIGURING', 'PD': 'PENDING', 'R': 'RUNNING' }.get(state, 'UNKNOWN') ret.fatal = False = state_name ret.code = state ret.reasons = [] return ret
[docs] def get_molecules(info: Result) -> Result: """Function that returns information about the molecules for this calculation. Args: info: Result object containing ORCA calculation information. Returns: :Result object containing properties from the ORCA calculation: - **input (plams.Molecule)** - the input molecule for this calculation. - **output (plams.Molecule)** - the output molecule for this calculation, for example the optimized structure after a geometry optimization. - **number_of_atoms (int)** - the number of atoms in the molecular system. """ ret = Result() ret.input = info.input.system.molecule ret.number_of_atoms = len(ret.input.atoms) with open(info.files.out) as out: lines = out.readlines() lines = [line.strip() for line in lines] start_reading = False look_for_coords = False coords = [] for line in lines: if start_reading: if len(line) == 0: start_reading = False break coords.append(line) if "THE OPTIMIZATION HAS CONVERGED" in line: look_for_coords = True if look_for_coords and "CARTESIAN COORDINATES (ANGSTROEM)" in line: look_for_coords = False start_reading = True ret.output = plams.Molecule() for coord in coords[1:]: sym, x, y, z = coord.split() ret.output.add_atom(plams.Atom(symbol=sym, coords=[float(x), float(y), float(z)])) if len(ret.output.atoms) == 0: ret.output = ret.input.copy() return ret
[docs] def get_info(calc_dir: str) -> Result: """Function to read useful info about the calculation in ``calc_dir``. Returned information will depend on the type of file that is provided. Args: calc_dir: path pointing to the desired calculation. Returns: :Result object containing results about the calculation and AMS: - **version (Result)** – information about the AMS version used, see :func:`get_version`. - **files (Result)** - paths to files that are important for this calculation. - **input (Result)** - information about the input of this calculation, see :func:`get_input`. - **level (Result)** - information about the level of theory used for this calculation, see :func:`get_level_of_theory`. - **engine (str)** – the engine that was used to perform the calculation, for example 'adf', 'dftb', ... - **status (Result)** – information about calculation status, see :func:`get_calculation_status`. - **molecule (Result)** – information about the input and output molecules and the molecular system in general, see :func:`get_molecules`. """ ret = Result() ret.engine = "orca" ret.files = get_calc_files(calc_dir) # store the input of the calculation ret.input = get_input(ret) ret.level = get_level_of_theory(ret) # store information about the version of AMS ret.version = get_version(ret) # store the calculation status ret.status = get_calculation_status(ret) # read molecules ret.molecule = get_molecules(ret) return ret
[docs] def get_vibrations(lines): """Function to read vibrational data of an ORCA calculation. Args: lines: Lines in the output file of the ORCA calculation. Returns: :Result object containing vibrational properties from the ORCA calculation: - **number_of_modes (int)** – number of vibrational modes for this molecule, 3N-5 for non-linear molecules and 3N-6 for linear molecules, where N is the number of atoms. - **number_of_imaginary_modes (int)** – number of imaginary vibrational modes for this molecule. - **frequencies (list[float])** – vibrational frequencies associated with the vibrational modes, sorted from low to high (|cm-1|). - **intensities (list[float])** – vibrational intensities associated with the vibrational modes (|km/mol|). In ORCA, intensities of imaginary modes are set to 0. - **modes (list[float])** – list of vibrational modes sorted from low frequency to high frequency. - **character (str)** – the PES character of the molecular system. Either "minimum", "transitionstate" or "saddlepoint(n_imag)", for 0, 1, n_imag number of imaginary frequencies. """ ret = Result() start_reading = False start_reading_idx = 0 freq_lines = [] for i, line in enumerate(lines): if start_reading: if len(line) == 0 and (i - start_reading_idx) > 4: break if ":" in line: freq_lines.append(line) if "VIBRATIONAL FREQUENCIES" in line: start_reading = True start_reading_idx = i ret.number_of_modes = len(freq_lines) frequencies = [float(line.split()[1]) for line in freq_lines] nrotranslational = sum([freq == 0 for freq in frequencies]) ret.frequencies = frequencies[nrotranslational:] ret.number_of_imaginary_modes = len([freq for freq in ret.frequencies if freq < 0]) ret.character = "minimum" if ret.number_of_imaginary_modes == 0 else "transitionstate" if ret.number_of_imaginary_modes == 1 else f"saddlepoint({ret.number_of_imaginary_modes})" start_reading = False mode_lines = [] for i, line in enumerate(lines): if "NORMAL MODES" in line: start_reading = True continue if "IR SPECTRUM" in line: start_reading = False break if start_reading: mode_lines.append(line) mode_lines = mode_lines[6:-3] mode_lines = [[float(x) for x in line.split()[1:]] for i, line in enumerate(mode_lines) if i % (ret.number_of_modes + 1) != 0] nblocks = len(mode_lines) // ret.number_of_modes blocks = [] for block in range(nblocks): blocks.append(np.array(mode_lines[block * ret.number_of_modes : (block + 1) * ret.number_of_modes])) ret.modes = np.hstack(blocks).T.tolist()[nrotranslational:] start_reading = False int_lines = [] for i, line in enumerate(lines): if "IR SPECTRUM" in line: start_reading = True continue if "The epsilon (eps) is given for a Dirac delta lineshape." in line: start_reading = False break if start_reading: int_lines.append(line) ints = [float(line.split()[3]) for line in int_lines[5:-1]] ret.intensities = [0] * ret.number_of_imaginary_modes + ints return ret
[docs] def get_properties(info: Result) -> Result: """Function to get properties from an ORCA calculation. Args: info: Result object containing ORCA properties. Returns: :Result object containing properties from the ORCA calculation: - ** (float)** – total bonding energy (|kcal/mol|). - **energy.enthalpy (float)** – enthalpy (|kcal/mol|). Only obtained if vibrational modes were calculated. - **energy.entropy (float)** – entropy (|kcal/mol|). Only obtained if vibrational modes were calculated. - **energy.gibbs (float)** – Gibb's free energy (|kcal/mol|). Only obtained if vibrational modes were calculated. - **energy.[method] (float)** - total energy (|kcal/mol|) at a certain level (HF, MP2, CCSD, ...). This is the sum of energy.HF and energy.[method]_corr. - **energy.[method]_corr (float)** - electron correlation energy (|kcal/mol|) at a certain level (HF, MP2, CCSD, ...). - **vibrations.number_of_modes (int)** – number of vibrational modes for this molecule, 3N-5 for non-linear molecules and 3N-6 for linear molecules, where N is the number of atoms. - **vibrations.number_of_imaginary_modes (int)** – number of imaginary vibrational modes for this molecule. - **vibrations.frequencies (list[float])** – vibrational frequencies associated with the vibrational modes, sorted from low to high (|cm-1|). - **vibrations.intensities (list[float])** – vibrational intensities associated with the vibrational modes (|km/mol|). In ORCA, intensities of imaginary modes are set to 0. - **vibrations.modes (list[float])** – list of vibrational modes sorted from low frequency to high frequency. - **vibrations.character (str)** – the PES character of the molecular system. Either "minimum", "transitionstate" or "saddlepoint(n_imag)", for 0, 1, n_imag number of imaginary frequencies. - **t1** - T1 diagnostic for the highest level of correlation chosen. Used to check the validity of the reference wavefunction. - **s2** - expectation value of the :math:`S^2` operator. - **s2_expected** - ideal expectation value of the :math:`S^2` operator. - **spin_contamination** - the amount of spin-contamination observed in this calculation. It is equal to (s2 - s2_expected) / (s2_expected). Ideally this value should be below 0.1. """ ret = Result() with open(info.files.out) as out: lines = [line.strip() for line in out.readlines()] if info.orca.frequencies: ret.vibrations = get_vibrations(lines) # read some important info about the calculation for line in lines: if "FINAL SINGLE POINT ENERGY" in line: = float(line.split()[4]) * constants.HA2KCALMOL continue if "E(0)" in line: = float(line.split()[-1]) * constants.HA2KCALMOL continue if "Final correlation energy" in line: = float(line.split()[-1]) * constants.HA2KCALMOL continue if "E(MP2)" in line: = float(line.split()[-1]) * constants.HA2KCALMOL + = float(line.split()[-1]) * constants.HA2KCALMOL continue if "E(CCSD) " in line: = float(line.split()[-1]) * constants.HA2KCALMOL = float(line.split()[-1]) * constants.HA2KCALMOL - continue if "E(CCSD(T))" in line: = float(line.split()[-1]) * constants.HA2KCALMOL = float(line.split()[-1]) * constants.HA2KCALMOL - continue if "Final Gibbs free energy" in line: = float(line.split()[-2]) * constants.HA2KCALMOL continue if "Total enthalpy" in line: = float(line.split()[-2]) * constants.HA2KCALMOL continue if "Final entropy term" in line: = float(line.split()[-2]) continue if "T1 diagnostic" in line: ret.t1 = float(line.split()[3]) continue if "Expectation value of <S**2>" in line: ret.s2 = float(line.split()[-1]) continue if "Ideal value" in line: ret.s2_expected = float(line.split()[-1]) continue if ret.s2 and ret.s2_expected: ret.spin_contamination = (ret.s2 - ret.s2_expected) / ret.s2_expected return ret