Source code for tcutility.pathfunc

import os
import re
from typing import Dict, List

from tcutility import results

j = os.path.join

[docs] def split_all(path: str) -> List[str]: """ Split a path into all of its parts. Args: path: the path to be split, it will be separated using :func:`os.path.split`. Returns: A list of parts of the original path. Example: .. code-block:: python >>> split_all('a/b/c/d') ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'] """ parts = [] while True: a, b = os.path.split(path) if not a or not b: parts.append(path) return parts[::-1] parts.append(b) path = a
[docs] def get_subdirectories(root: str, include_intermediates: bool = False) -> List[str]: """ Get all sub-directories of a root directory. Args: root: the root directory. include_intermediates: whether to include intermediate sub-directories instead of only the lowest levels. Returns: A list of sub-directories with ``root`` included in the paths. Example: Given a file-structure as follows: .. code-block:: root |- subdir_a | |- subsubdir_b | |- subsubdir_c |- subdir_b |- subdir_c Then we get the following outputs. .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: Including intermediates .. code-block:: python >>> get_subdirectories('root', include_intermediates=True) ['root', 'root/subdir_a', 'root/subdir_a/subsubdir_b', 'root/subdir_a/subsubdir_c', 'root/subdir_b', 'root/subdir_c'] .. group-tab:: Excluding intermediates .. code-block:: python >>> get_subdirectories('root', include_intermediates=False) ['root/subdir_a/subsubdir_b', 'root/subdir_a/subsubdir_c', 'root/subdir_b', 'root/subdir_c'] """ dirs = [root] subdirs = set() while len(dirs) > 0: _dirs = [] for cdir in dirs: csubdirs = [j(cdir, d) for d in os.listdir(cdir) if os.path.isdir(j(cdir, d))] if len(csubdirs) == 0: subdirs.add(cdir) else: if include_intermediates: subdirs.add(cdir) _dirs.extend(csubdirs) dirs = _dirs return subdirs
[docs] def match(root: str, pattern: str) -> Dict[str, dict]: """ Find and return information about subdirectories of a root that match a given pattern. Args: root: the root of the subdirectories to look in. pattern: a string specifying the pattern the subdirectories should correspond to. It should look similar to a format string, without the ``f`` in front of the string. Inside curly braces you can put a variable name, which you can later extract from the results. Anything inside curly braces will be matched to word characters (``[a-zA-Z0-9_-]``) including dashes and underscores. Returns: | A |Result| object containing the matched directories as keys and information (also |Result| object) about those matches as the values. Each information dictionary contains the variables given in the pattern. | E.g. using a pattern such as ``{a}/{b}/{c}`` will populate the ``info.a``, ``info.b`` and ``info.c`` keys of the info |Result| object. Example: Given a file-structure as follows: .. code-block:: root |- NH3-BH3 | |- BLYP_QZ4P | | |- extra_dir | | |- blablabla | | | |- BLYP_TZ2P | | |- another_dir | | | |- M06-2X_TZ2P | |- SN2 | |- BLYP_TZ2P | |- M06-2X_TZ2P | | |- M06-2X_TZ2P We can run the following scripts to match the subdirectories. .. code-block:: python from tcutility import log # get the matches, we want to extract the system name (NH3-BH3 or SN2) # and the functional and basis-set # we don't want the subdirectories matches = match('root', '{system}/{functional}_{basis_set}') # print the matches as a table rows = [] for d, info in matches.items(): rows.append([d, info.system, info.functional, info.basis_set]) log.table(rows, ['Directory', 'System', 'Functional', 'Basis-Set']) which prints .. code-block:: [2024/01/17 14:39:08] Directory System Functional Basis-Set [2024/01/17 14:39:08] ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── [2024/01/17 14:39:08] root/SN2/M06-2X_TZ2P SN2 M06-2X TZ2P [2024/01/17 14:39:08] root/NH3-BH3/BLYP_TZ2P NH3-BH3 BLYP TZ2P [2024/01/17 14:39:08] root/NH3-BH3/M06-2X_TZ2P NH3-BH3 M06-2X TZ2P [2024/01/17 14:39:08] root/SN2/BLYP_TZ2P SN2 BLYP TZ2P [2024/01/17 14:39:08] root/NH3-BH3/BLYP_QZ4P NH3-BH3 BLYP QZ4P """ # get the number and names of substitutions in the given pattern substitutions = re.findall(r"{(\w+[+*?]?)}", pattern) # the pattern should resolve to words and may contain - and _ # replace them here for sub in substitutions: quantifier = sub[-1] if sub[-1] in "+*?" else "+" pattern = pattern.replace("{" + sub + "}", f"([a-zA-Z0-9_-]{quantifier})") ret = results.Result() # root dir can be any level deep. We should count how many directories are in root root_length = len(split_all(root)) # get all subdirectories first, we can loop through them later subdirs = get_subdirectories(root, include_intermediates=True) # remove the root from the subdirectories. We cannot use str.removeprefix because it was added in python 3.9 subdirs = [j(*split_all(subdir)[root_length:]) for subdir in subdirs if len(split_all(subdir)[root_length:]) > 0] for subdir in subdirs: # check if we get a match with our pattern match = re.fullmatch(pattern, subdir) if not match: continue p = j(root, subdir) # get the group data and add it to the return dictionary. We skip the first group because it is the full directory path ret[p] = results.Result(directory=p, **{substitutions[i]: + 1) for i in range(len(substitutions))}) return ret