Source code for tcutility.molecule

import pathlib as pl
from typing import Dict, List, Union

from scm import plams

from tcutility import ensure_list
from tcutility.results import result
from import atom

[docs] def number_of_electrons(mol: plams.Molecule) -> int: nel = 0 for at in mol: nel += atom.atom_number(at.symbol) return nel
[docs] def parse_str(s: str): # checks if string should be an int, float, bool or string # sanitization first # empty s returns None # if s is not a str return it if s == "": return None if not isinstance(s, str): return s if "," in s: return [parse_str(part.strip()) for part in s.split(",")] # to parse the string we use try/except method try: return int(s) except ValueError: pass try: return float(s) except ValueError: pass # bool type casting always works, so we have to specifically check for correct strings if s in ["True", "False"]: return bool(s) return s
[docs] def load(path) -> plams.Molecule: """ Load a molecule from a given xyz file path. The xyz file is structured as follows: .. code-block:: [int] Comment line [str] [float] [float] [float] atom_tag1 atom_tag2 atom_key1=... [str] [float] [float] [float] atom_tag1 atom_tag2 atom_key1=... [str] [float] [float] [float] mol_tag1 mol_tag2 mol_key1=... mol_key2 = ... The xyz file is parsed and returned as a :class:`plams.Molecule <plams.mol.molecule.Molecule>` object. Flags and tags are given as ``mol.flags`` and ``mol.flags.tags`` respectively. Similarly for the atoms, the flags and tags are given as ``mol.atoms[i].flags`` and ``mol.atoms[i].flags.tags`` """ def parse_flags(args): ret = result.Result() ret.tags = set() for arg in args: # flags are given as key=value pairs # tags are given as loose keys if "=" in arg: key, value = arg.split("=") ret[key.strip()] = parse_str(value.strip()) else: ret.tags.add(parse_str(arg.strip())) return ret with open(path) as f: lines = [line.strip() for line in f.readlines()] mol = plams.Molecule() natoms = int(lines[0]) mol.comment = lines[1] # not all lines in the file will define atoms. Lines after line natoms+2 will be used for flags atom_lines = lines[2 : natoms + 2] for line in atom_lines: # parse every atom first symbol, x, y, z, *args = line.split() at = plams.Atom(symbol=symbol, coords=(float(x), float(y), float(z))) at.flags = parse_flags(args) mol.add_atom(at) # after the atoms we parse the flags for the molecule flag_lines = lines[natoms + 2 :] flag_lines = [line.strip() for line in flag_lines if line.strip()] mol.flags = parse_flags(flag_lines) return mol
[docs] def guess_fragments(mol: plams.Molecule) -> Dict[str, plams.Molecule]: """ Guess fragments based on data from the xyz file. Two methods are currently supported, see the tabs below. We also support reading of charges and spin-polarizations for the fragments. They should be given as ``charge_{fragment_name}`` and ``spinpol_{fragment_name}`` respectively. .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: First method .. code-block:: 8 N 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.81474153 B -0.00000000 -0.00000000 0.83567034 H 0.47608351 -0.82460084 -1.14410295 H 0.47608351 0.82460084 -1.14410295 H -0.95216703 0.00000000 -1.14410295 H -0.58149793 1.00718395 1.13712667 H -0.58149793 -1.00718395 1.13712667 H 1.16299585 -0.00000000 1.13712667 frag_Donor = 1, 3-5 frag_Acceptor = 2, 6-8 charge_Donor = -1 spinpol_Acceptor = 2 In this case, fragment atom indices must be provided below the coordinates. The fragment name must be prefixed with ``frag_``. Indices can be given as integers or as ranges using ``-``. .. group-tab:: Second method .. code-block:: 8 N 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.81474153 frag=Donor B -0.00000000 -0.00000000 0.83567034 frag=Acceptor H 0.47608351 -0.82460084 -1.14410295 frag=Donor H 0.47608351 0.82460084 -1.14410295 frag=Donor H -0.95216703 0.00000000 -1.14410295 frag=Donor H -0.58149793 1.00718395 1.13712667 frag=Acceptor H -0.58149793 -1.00718395 1.13712667 frag=Acceptor H 1.16299585 -0.00000000 1.13712667 frag=Acceptor charge_Donor = -1 spinpol_Acceptor = 2 In this case, fragment atoms are marked with the `frag` flag which gives the name of the fragment the atom belongs to. Args: mol: the molecule that is to be split into fragments. It should have defined either method shown above. If it does not define these methods this function returns ``None``. Returns: A dictionary containing fragment names as keys and :class:`plams.Molecule <scm.plams.mol.molecule.Molecule>` objects as values. Atoms that were not included by either method will be placed in the molecule object with key ``None``. """ # first method, check if the fragments are defined as molecule flags fragment_flags = [flag for flag in mol.flags if flag.startswith("frag_")] if len(fragment_flags) > 0: # we split here to get of the frag_ prefix fragment_mols = {frag.split("_", 1)[1]: plams.Molecule() for frag in fragment_flags} for frag in fragment_flags: frag_name = frag.split("_", 1)[1] indices = [] index_line = ensure_list(mol.flags[frag]) for indx in index_line: if isinstance(indx, int): indices.append(indx) elif isinstance(indx, str) and "-" in indx: indices.extend(range(int(indx.split("-")[0]), int(indx.split("-")[1]) + 1)) else: raise ValueError(f"Fragment index {indx} could not be parsed.") [fragment_mols[frag_name].add_atom(mol[i]) for i in indices] fragment_mols[frag_name].flags = {"tags": set()} if f"charge_{frag_name}" in mol.flags: fragment_mols[frag_name].flags["charge"] = mol.flags[f"charge_{frag_name}"] if f"spinpol_{frag_name}" in mol.flags: fragment_mols[frag_name].flags["spinpol"] = mol.flags[f"spinpol_{frag_name}"] return result.Result(fragment_mols) # second method, check if the atoms have a frag= flag defined fragment_names = set(at.flags.get("frag") for at in mol) if len(fragment_names) > 0: fragment_mols = {name: plams.Molecule() for name in fragment_names} for at in mol: # get the fragment the atom belongs to and add it to the list fragment_mols[at.flags.get("frag")].add_atom(at) for frag in fragment_names: fragment_mols[frag].flags = {"tags": set()} if f"charge_{frag}" in mol.flags: fragment_mols[frag].flags["charge"] = mol.flags[f"charge_{frag}"] if f"spinpol_{frag}" in mol.flags: fragment_mols[frag].flags["spinpol"] = mol.flags[f"spinpol_{frag}"] return result.Result(fragment_mols)
# ============================================================================= # Writing Functions for Molecule objects ====================================== # ============================================================================= def _xyz_format(mol: plams.Molecule, include_n_atoms: bool = True) -> str: """Returns a string representation of a molecule in the xyz format, e.g.: C 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 H 1.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 H 0.00000000 1.00000000 0.00000000 H 0.00000000 0.00000000 1.00000000 ... """ n_atoms = len(mol.atoms) if include_n_atoms: return f"{n_atoms}\n" + "\n".join([f"{at.symbol:6s}{at.x:16.8f}{at.y:16.8f}{at.z:16.8f}" for at in mol.atoms]) return "\n".join([f"{at.symbol:6s}{at.x:16.8f}{at.y:16.8f}{at.z:16.8f}" for at in mol.atoms]) def _amv_format(mol: plams.Molecule, step: int, energy: Union[float, None] = None) -> str: """Returns a string representation of a molecule in the amv format, e.g.: Geometry 1, Energy: -0.5 Ha C 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 H 1.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 H 0.00000000 1.00000000 0.00000000 H 0.00000000 0.00000000 1.00000000 ... If no energy is provided, the energy is not included in the string representation""" if energy is None: return f"Geometry {step}\n" + "\n".join([f"{at.symbol:6s}{at.x:16.8f}{at.y:16.8f}{at.z:16.8f}" for at in mol.atoms]) return f"Geometry {step}, Energy: {energy} Ha\n" + "\n".join([f"{at.symbol:6s}{at.x:16.8f}{at.y:16.8f}{at.z:16.8f}" for at in mol.atoms])
[docs] def write_mol_to_xyz_file(mols: Union[List[plams.Molecule], plams.Molecule], filename: Union[str, pl.Path], include_n_atoms: bool = False) -> None: """Writes a list of molecules to a file in xyz format.""" mols = mols if isinstance(mols, list) else [mols] out_file = pl.Path(f"{filename}.xyz") [mol.delete_all_bonds() for mol in mols] write_string = "\n\n".join([_xyz_format(mol, include_n_atoms) for mol in mols]) out_file.write_text(write_string) return None
[docs] def write_mol_to_amv_file(mols: Union[List[plams.Molecule], plams.Molecule], energies: Union[List[float], None], filename: Union[str, pl.Path]) -> None: """Writes a list of molecules to a file in amv format.""" mols = mols if isinstance(mols, list) else [mols] out_file = pl.Path(f"{filename}.amv") energies = energies if energies is not None else [0.0 for _ in mols] [mol.delete_all_bonds() for mol in mols] write_string = "\n\n".join([_amv_format(mol, step, energy) for step, (mol, energy) in enumerate(zip(mols, energies), 1)]) out_file.write_text(write_string) return None
[docs] def save(mol: plams.Molecule, path: str, comment: str = None): """Save a molecule in a custom xyz file format. Molecule and atom flags can be provided as the "flags" parameter of the object (mol.flags and atom.flags). """ comment = comment or mol.comment if hasattr(mol, "comment") else "" with open(path, "w+") as f: f.write(f"{len(mol.atoms)}\n{comment}\n") for at in mol.atoms: flags_str = "" flags = at.flags if hasattr(at, "flags") else {} for key, value in flags.items(): if key == "tags": if len(value) > 0: flags_str += " ".join([str(x) for x in value]) + " " else: continue else: flags_str += f"{key}={value} " f.write(f"{at.symbol}\t{at.coords[0]: .10f}\t{at.coords[1]: .10f}\t{at.coords[2]: .10f}\t{flags_str}\n") f.write("\n") flags = mol.flags if hasattr(mol, "flags") else {} for key, value in flags.items(): if key == "tags": f.write("\n".join([str(x) for x in value]) + "\n") else: f.write(f"{key} = {value}\n")
if __name__ == "__main__": # mol = load(r"D:\Users\Yuman\Desktop\PhD\ychem\calculations2\5ef3a511141a993d83552515df6bf882a7560dd806f88df4e2c2887b4d2a9595\transitionstate\") mol = load("../../examples/job/") frags = guess_fragments(mol) print(frags)