Source code for tcutility.job.orca

import os
import subprocess as sp
from typing import List, Union

from scm import plams

from tcutility import ensure_list, log, results, slurm, spell_check
from tcutility.errors import TCMoleculeError
from tcutility.job.generic import Job

j = os.path.join

[docs] class ORCAJob(Job): def __init__(self, use_tmpdir=False, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.settings = results.Result() self.settings.main = set() self._charge = 0 self._multiplicity = 1 self._ghosts = [] self._method = None self.memory = None self.processes = None self.orca_path = None self.use_tmpdir = use_tmpdir self.single_point()
[docs] def main(self, val: Union[str, List[str]]): """ Add main options for this ORCA calculation, they will be added to the input prepended with exclamation marks. Args: val: the main options to add. This can be a string or a list of strings with the main options. """ # we want to split a string such as 'CC-pVTZ Opt CCSD(T)' into loose parts and add them separately # this should always return a list if isinstance(val, str): val = val.split() # add each [self.settings.main.add(key) for key in val]
[docs] def remove_main(self, val: Union[str, List[str]]): if isinstance(val, str): val = val.split() lower_main = {key.casefold(): key for key in self.settings.main} for v in val: if v.casefold() in lower_main: self.settings.main.discard(lower_main[v.casefold()])
def __remove_task(self): [self.remove_main(task) for task in ["sp", "opt", "optts", "neb-ts"]]
[docs] def method(self, method): spell_check.check(method, ["HF", "MP2", "CCSD", "CCSD(T)", "CCSDT"]) self.settings.main.add(method) self._method = method
[docs] def reference(self, ref): spell_check.check(ref, ["UNO", "UHF", "UKS", "RHF", "RKS", "ROHF", "ROKS"]) self.settings.main.add(ref) self._method = ref
[docs] def QRO(self, enable=True): self.settings.MDCI.UseQROs = enable
[docs] def basis_set(self, value): self.settings.main.add(value)
[docs] def single_point(self): self.__remove_task() self.settings.main.add("SP")
[docs] def transition_state(self): self.__remove_task() self.vibrations() self.settings.main.add("OptTS")
[docs] def optimization(self): self.__remove_task() self.vibrations() self.settings.main.add("Opt")
[docs] def vibrations(self, enable=True, numerical=False): self.remove_main("NumFreq") self.remove_main("Freq") if not enable: return if numerical: self.settings.main.add("NumFreq") else: self.settings.main.add("Freq")
[docs] def charge(self, val): self._charge = val
[docs] def spin_polarization(self, val): self._multiplicity = val + 1
[docs] def multiplicity(self, val): self._multiplicity = val
[docs] def ghost_atoms(self, indices: Union[int, List[int]]): self._ghosts.extend(ensure_list(indices))
[docs] def get_memory_usage(self): mem = self.memory or self._sbatch.mem or None ntasks = self.processes if ntasks is None: if self._sbatch.n: ntasks = self._sbatch.n if self._sbatch.ntasks: ntasks = self._sbatch.ntasks if self._sbatch.ntasks_per_node: ntasks = self._sbatch.ntasks_per_node * self._sbatch.get("N", 1) * self._sbatch.get("nodes", 1) return mem, ntasks
[docs] def molecule(self, mol: Union[str, plams.Molecule, plams.Atom, List[plams.Atom]], natoms: int = None): """ Add a molecule to this calculation in various formats. Args: mol: the molecule to read, can be a path (str). If the path exists already we read it. If it does not exist yet, it will be read in later. mol can also be a plams.Molecule object or a single or a list of plams.Atom objects. natoms: If the molecule is supplied as a path you should also give the number of atoms. """ super().molecule(mol) self.natoms = natoms
[docs] def get_input(self): # set the correct memory usage and processes mem, ntasks = self.get_memory_usage() if ntasks and mem: if self._molecule is not None: natoms = len(self._molecule) - len(self._ghosts) else: if not hasattr(self, "natoms") or self.natoms is None: raise TCMoleculeError("You set the molecule as a path and did not supply the number of atoms.") natoms = self.natoms ntasks = min(ntasks, (natoms - 1) * 3) self.settings.PAL.nprocs = ntasks self.settings.maxcore = int(mem / ntasks * 0.75) else: log.warn("MaxCore and nprocs not specified. Please use SBATCH settings or set job.processes and job.memory.") ret = "" for key in self.settings.main: ret += f"!{key}\n" ret += "\n" for option, block in self.settings.items(): if option == "main": continue if isinstance(block, results.Result): ret += f"%{option}\n" for key, val in block.items(): ret += f" {key} {val}\n" ret += "END\n\n" else: ret += f"%{option} {block}\n" ret += "\n" if self._molecule_path: ret += f"* xyzfile {self._charge} {self._multiplicity} {os.path.abspath(self._molecule_path)}\n" else: ret += f"* xyz {self._charge} {self._multiplicity}\n" for i, atom in enumerate(self._molecule, start=1): if i in self._ghosts: ret += f" {atom.symbol:2}: {atom.x: >13f} {atom.y: >13f} {atom.z: >13f}\n" else: ret += f" {atom.symbol:3} {atom.x: >13f} {atom.y: >13f} {atom.z: >13f}\n" ret += "*\n" return ret
def _setup_job(self): try: if self.orca_path is None and not self.test_mode: self.orca_path = sp.check_output(["which", "orca"]).decode().strip() except sp.CalledProcessError: log.warn(f'Could not find the orca path. Set the {self.__class__.__name__}.orca_path attribute to add it. Now setting it to "$(which orca)", make sure the orca executable is findable.') self.orca_path = "$(which orca)" if not self._molecule and not self._molecule_path: log.error(f"You did not supply a molecule for this job. Call the {self.__class__.__name__}.molecule method to add one.") return os.makedirs(self.workdir, exist_ok=True) with open(self.inputfile_path, "w+") as inp: inp.write(self.get_input()) with open(self.runfile_path, "w+") as runf: runf.write("#!/bin/sh\n\n") runf.write("\n".join(self._preambles) + "\n\n") # when using temporary directories for SLURM we need to do some extra setup # this is mainly moving the calculation directory to the TMPDIR location # and after the jobs is finished we copy back the results and remove the TMPDIR if self.use_tmpdir and slurm.has_slurm(): runf.write('export TMPDIR="$TMPDIR/$SLURM_JOB_ID"\n') runf.write("mkdir -p $TMPDIR\n") runf.write("cd $TMPDIR\n") runf.write(f"cp {self.inputfile_path} $TMPDIR\n") runf.write(f"{self.orca_path} $TMPDIR/{}.in\n") runf.write(f"cp $TMPDIR/* {self.workdir}\n") runf.write("rm -rf $TMPDIR\n") else: runf.write(f"{self.orca_path} {self.inputfile_path}\n") runf.write("\n".join(self._postambles)) return True @property def output_mol_path(self): """ The default file path for output molecules when running ADF calculations. It will not be created for singlepoint calculations. """ return j(self.workdir, "")
if __name__ == "__main__": job = ORCAJob() job.main("OPT cc-pVTZ") job.remove_main("OPT OPTTS NEB")