Source code for tcutility.job.crest

from scm import plams
from import molecules
from tcutility.job.generic import Job
from tcutility import log
import os

j = os.path.join

[docs] class CRESTJob(Job): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.crest_path = 'crest' self.xtb_path = 'xtb' self._charge = 0 self._spinpol = 0 self._temp = 400 self._mdlen = 'x1' def _setup_job(self): self.add_postamble('mkdir rotamers') self.add_postamble('mkdir conformers') self.add_postamble(f'split -d -l {len(self._molecule.atoms) + 2} -a 5 conformers/') self.add_postamble(f'split -d -l {len(self._molecule.atoms) + 2} -a 5 rotamers/') self.add_postamble('for file in conformers/* rotamers/*') self.add_postamble('do') self.add_postamble(' mv "$file" "$"') self.add_postamble('done') os.makedirs(self.workdir, exist_ok=True) self._molecule.write(j(self.workdir, '')) options = [ '', f'-xnam "{self.xtb_path}"', '--noreftopo', f'-c {self._charge}', f'-u {self._spinpol}', f'-tnmd {self._temp}', f'-mdlen {self._mdlen}', ] options = ' '.join(options) with open(self.runfile_path, 'w+') as runf: runf.write('#!/bin/sh\n\n') # the shebang is not written by default by ADF runf.write('\n'.join(self._preambles) + '\n\n') runf.write(f'{self.crest_path} {options}\n') runf.write('\n'.join(self._postambles)) return True
[docs] def spin_polarization(self, val: int): ''' Set the spin-polarization of the system. ''' self._spinpol = val
[docs] def multiplicity(self, val: int): ''' Set the multiplicity of the system. If the value is not one the calculation will also be unrestricted. We use the following values: 1) singlet 2) doublet 3) triplet 4) ... The multiplicity is equal to 2*S+1 for spin-polarization of S. ''' self._spinpol = (val - 1)//2
[docs] def charge(self, val: int): ''' Set the charge of the system. ''' self._charge = val
[docs] def md_temperature(self, val: float): ''' Set the temperature of the molecular dynamics steps. Defaults to 400K. ''' self._temp = val
[docs] def md_length(self, val: float): ''' Set the length of the molecular dynamics steps. The default length will be multiplied by this value, e.g. the default value is 1. ''' self._mdlen = f'x{val}'
@property def best_conformer_path(self): return j(self.workdir, '') @property def conformer_directory(self): return j(self.workdir, 'conformers') @property def rotamer_directory(self): return j(self.workdir, 'rotamers')
[docs] def get_conformer_xyz(self, number: int = None): ''' Return paths to conformer xyz files for this job. Args: number: the number of files to return, defaults to 10. If the directory already exists, for example if the job was already run, we will return up to `number` files. ''' if os.path.exists(self.conformer_directory): return [j(self.conformer_directory, file) for i, file in enumerate(sorted(os.listdir(self.conformer_directory)))] for i in range(number or 10): yield j(self.conformer_directory, f'{str(i).zfill(5)}.xyz')
[docs] def get_rotamer_xyz(self, number: int = None): ''' Return paths to rotamer xyz files for this job. Args: number: the number of files to return, defaults to 10. If the directory already exists, for example if the job was already run, we will return up to `number` files. ''' if os.path.exists(self.rotamer_directory): return [j(self.rotamer_directory, file) for i, file in enumerate(os.listdir(self.rotamer_directory))] for i in range(number or 10): yield j(self.rotamer_directory, f'{str(i).zfill(5)}.xyz')
[docs] class QCGJob(CRESTJob): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.crest_path = 'crest' self._nsolv = 10 self._fix_solute = False self._ensemble_generation_mode = 'NCI-MTD' self._solvent = None self._nofix = True
[docs] def solvent(self, mol, nsolv=None): if self._nsolv: self._nsolv = nsolv if isinstance(mol, plams.Molecule): self._solvent = mol elif isinstance(mol, str) and os.path.exists(mol): self._solvent = plams.Molecule(mol) elif isinstance(mol, str): # here we can get the molecule name using self._solvent = molecules.get(mol) # we can check if the alpb solvent name is defined in the xyz file alpb = self._solvent.flags.get('alpb', None) if alpb: self.alpb(alpb) elif isinstance(mol, list) and isinstance(mol[0], plams.Atom): self._solvent = plams.Molecule() [self._solvent.add_atom(atom) for atom in mol] elif isinstance(mol, plams.Atom): self._solvent = plams.Molecule() self._solvent.add_atom(mol)
[docs] def nsolv(self, nsolv): self._nsolv = nsolv
[docs] def alpb(self, solvent): self._alpb = solvent
[docs] def ensemble_mode(self, mode): self._ensemble_generation_mode = mode
[docs] def nofix(self, enable=True): self._nofix = enable
def _setup_job(self): self.add_postamble('mkdir ensemble/ensemble') self.add_postamble(f'split -d -l {len(self._molecule.atoms) + len(self._solvent.atoms) * self._nsolv + 2} -a 5 ensemble/ ensemble/ensemble') self.add_postamble('for file in ensemble/ensemble/*') self.add_postamble('do') self.add_postamble(' mv "$file" "$"') self.add_postamble('done') if not self._solvent: log.error(f'Did not provide a solvent molecule for this job. Call the {self.__class__.__name__}.solvent method to add one.') os.makedirs(self.workdir, exist_ok=True) self._molecule.write(j(self.workdir, '')) self._solvent.write(j(self.workdir, '')) ensemble_mode_option = { 'NCI-MTD': '--ncimtd', 'MD': '--md', 'MTD': '--mtd', }.get(self._ensemble_generation_mode, self._ensemble_generation_mode) options = [ '', f'-xnam "{self.xtb_path}"', '--qcg', '--ensemble', f'--nsolv {self._nsolv}', f'--chrg {self._charge}', f'--uhf {self._spinpol}', f'--tnmd {self._temp}', f'--mdlen {50 * float(self._mdlen[1:])}', ensemble_mode_option, ] if self._alpb: options.append(f'--alpb {self._alpb}') if self._nofix: options.append('--nofix') options = ' '.join(options) with open(self.runfile_path, 'w+') as runf: runf.write('#!/bin/sh\n\n') runf.write('\n'.join(self._preambles) + '\n\n') runf.write(f'{self.crest_path} {options}\n') runf.write('\n'.join(self._postambles)) return True @property def ensemble_directory(self): return j(self.workdir, 'ensemble', 'ensemble')
[docs] def get_ensemble_xyz(self, number: int = None): ''' Return paths to conformer xyz files for this job. Args: number: the number of files to return, defaults to 10. If the directory already exists, for example if the job was already run, we will return up to `number` files. ''' if os.path.exists(self.ensemble_directory): return [j(self.ensemble_directory, file) for i, file in enumerate(sorted(os.listdir(self.ensemble_directory)))] for i in range(number or 10): yield j(self.ensemble_directory, f'{str(i).zfill(5)}.xyz')
@property def best_ensemble_path(self): return j(self.workdir, 'ensemble', 'ensemble', '')
if __name__ == '__main__': # with CRESTJob() as job: # job.rundir = 'tmp/SN2' # = 'CREST' # job.molecule('../../../test/fixtures/xyz/') # job.sbatch(p='tc', ntasks_per_node=32) with QCGJob(test_mode=True) as job: job.rundir = 'calculations/Ammonia' = 'QCG' job.molecule('') job.solvent('water', 10) print(job._solvent) job.sbatch(p='tc', n=32) # for i in range(40): # with CRESTJob(test_mode=False, overwrite=True) as job: # job.rundir = 'tmp/SN2' # = 'CREST' # job.molecule('../../../test/fixtures/xyz/') # job.sbatch(p='tc', ntasks_per_node=32)