import requests
import json
import os
from tcutility import spell_check, cache
# @cache.cache_file('dois')
def _get_doi_data(doi: str) -> dict:
Get information about an article using the API.
doi: the DOI to get information about.
data = requests.get(f'{doi}').text
if data == 'Resource not found.':
raise ValueError(f'Could not find DOI {doi}.')
data = json.loads(data)
return data
# @cache.cache_file('journal_abbrvs')
def _get_journal_abbreviation(journal: str) -> str:
Get the journal name abbreviation using the abbreviso API.
journal: the name of the journal to get the abbreviation of.
return requests.get(f"{journal}").text
def _get_publisher_city(publisher: str) -> str:
Get the city of a publisher.
with open(os.path.join(os.path.split(__file__)[0], 'data', 'cite', '_publisher_cities.json')) as cities:
cities = json.loads(
return cities.get(publisher)
def cite(doi: str, style: str = 'wiley', mode='html') -> str:
Format an article in a certain style.
doi: the article DOI to generate a citation for.
style: the style formatting to use. Can be ``['wiley', 'acs', 'rsc']``.
mode: the formatting mode. Can be ``['html', 'latex', 'plain']``.
# check if the style was correctly given
spell_check.check(style, ['wiley', 'acs', 'rsc'])
spell_check.check(mode, ['html', 'latex', 'plain'])
# get the information about the DOI
data = _get_doi_data(doi)
if data['message']['type'] == 'journal-article':
citation = _format_article(data, style)
if data['message']['type'] == 'book-chapter' or (data['message']['type'] == 'other' and 'ISBN' in data['message']):
citation = _format_book_chapter(data, style)
if mode == 'plain':
citation = citation.replace('<i>', '')
citation = citation.replace('</i>', '')
citation = citation.replace('<b>', '')
citation = citation.replace('</b>', '')
if mode == 'latex':
citation = citation.replace('<i>', r'\textit{')
citation = citation.replace('</i>', '}')
citation = citation.replace('<b>', r'\textbf{')
citation = citation.replace('</b>', '}')
return citation
def _format_article(data: dict, style: str) -> str:
# grab usefull data
journal = data['message']['container-title'][0]
journal_abbreviation = _get_journal_abbreviation(journal)
year = data['message']['issued']['date-parts'][0][0]
volume = data['message']['volume']
pages = data['message'].get('page').replace('-', '–')
title = data['message']['title'][0]
doi = data['message']['DOI']
# Get the initials from the author given names
# also store the family names
initials = []
last_names = []
for author in data['message']['author']:
# we get the capital letters from the first names
# these will become the initials for this author
firsts = [char + '.' for char in author['given'].title() if char.isupper()]
firsts = " ".join(firsts)
# format the citation correctly
if style == 'wiley':
names = [f'{first} {last}' for first, last in zip(initials, last_names)]
citation = f'{", ".join(names)}, <i>{journal_abbreviation}</i> <b>{year}</b>, <i>{volume}</i>'
if pages:
citation += f', {pages}'
citation += '.'
elif style == 'acs':
names = [f'{last}, {first}' for first, last in zip(initials, last_names)]
citation = f'{"; ".join(names)} {title} <i>{journal_abbreviation}</i> <b>{year}</b>, <i>{volume}</i>'
if pages:
citation += f', {pages}'
citation += f'. DOI: {doi}'
elif style == 'rsc':
names = [f'{first} {last}' for first, last in zip(initials, last_names)]
citation = f'{", ".join(names)}, <i>{journal_abbreviation}</i> {year}, <b>{volume}</b>'
if pages:
citation += f', {pages}'
citation += '.'
return citation
def _format_book_chapter(data: dict, style: str) -> str:
# grab usefull data
publisher = data['message']['publisher']
year = data['message']['published-print']['date-parts'][0][0]
pages = data['message'].get('page')
book_title = data['message']['container-title'][0]
chapter_title = data['message']['title'][0]
city = _get_publisher_city(publisher)
for isbn in data['message']['isbn-type']:
if isbn['type'] == 'electronic':
original_book_data = _get_doi_data(f"{data['message']['prefix']}/{isbn['value']}")
# Get the initials from the author given names
# also store the family names
n_authors = len(data['message']['author'])
initials = []
last_names = []
for author in data['message']['author']:
# we get the capital letters from the first names
# these will become the initials for this author
firsts = [char + '.' for char in author['given'].title() if char.isupper()]
firsts = " ".join(firsts)
n_editors = len(original_book_data['message']['editor'])
editor_initials = []
editor_last_names = []
for author in original_book_data['message']['editor']:
# we get the capital letters from the first names
# these will become the initials for this author
firsts = [char + '.' for char in author['given'].title() if char.isupper()]
firsts = " ".join(firsts)
# format the citation correctly
if style == 'wiley':
names = [f'{last}, {first}' for first, last in zip(initials, last_names)]
editors = [f'{first} {last}' for first, last in zip(editor_initials, editor_last_names)]
if n_authors == 1:
names = names[0]
if 1 < n_authors < 4:
names = ", ".join(names[:-1]) + ' and ' + names[-1]
if n_authors >= 4:
names = ", ".join(names[:3]) + ' et al.'
if n_editors == 1:
editors = editors[0]
if 1 < n_editors < 4:
editors = ", ".join(editors[:-1]) + ' and ' + editors[-1]
if n_editors >= 4:
editors = ", ".join(editors[:3]) + ' et al.'
citation = f'{names} ({year}). {chapter_title}. In: <i>{book_title}</i> (ed. {editors}), {pages}. {city}: {publisher}'
elif style == 'acs':
raise NotImplementedError('No support for ACS style yet')
elif style == 'rsc':
raise NotImplementedError('No support for RSC style yet')
return citation